CLEO Gold Apk v1.1.2 (Root)

Download Cleo Gold v1.1.2 Terbaru - Pada kesempatan kali ini saya mau membagikan aplikasi 'CLEO Gold v1.1.2 Apk' secara gratis, karena kalo di Play Store harus bayar Rp. 32.903,- aplikasi ini untuk menginstal script cleo game GTA III, GTA VC, dan GTA SA hanya untuk android, bukan untuk PC. aplikasi ini membutuhkan ROOT untuk bekerja.

Script collection embedded in this app:
* SA
- car spawner - features all of game cars, bikes, boats, planes and helis, has inbuilt vehicle preview
- cheats - features all standard and bonus cheats, including 'mission skip' one
- mission selector - allows to start any scenario mission you want
- passenger - allows player to enter any traffic vehicle and perform driveby
- first person driving - allows to activate 1st person view in any vehicle while driving
- full stats - boosts all player stats to the maximum
- health regen - constantly regenerates player's hitpoints
- fight master - player will use different fighting styles in melee combats
- flying - allows player to fly like a super-man
- unlimited jetpack - removes the height limit for jetpack
- open houses - allows player to visit any house, like in burglary missions
- car balance - player's car have an ability to prevent fllipping
- car boost - allows you to speed up your car via 'power' widget while driving
- radio fix - fixes the glitch which causes some radio stations to play only commercials
* VC
- car spawner - features all of game vehicles
- cheats - features all standard cheats
- health regen - constantly regenerates player's hitpoints
- all weapon - gives an ability to have all weapons at once
- car spawner - features all of game vehicles
- cheats - features all standard cheats
- health regen - constantly regenerates player's hitpoints

Screenshots CLEO Gold

Informasi APK :

  • Name : CLEO Gold
  • Version : 1.1.2
  • Mode : Offline 
  • Android : 4.0+
  • Dev : AlexanderBlade
  • Size : 500kb
  • Root :Yes

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Download CLEO Gold Apk | 500KB